Department for Education Funding Arrangements 2015-16

Published: Friday 18 July 2014

On 17 July 2014, the Department for Education (DfE) released the “Fairer School Funding - Arrangements for 2015 to 2016”.

These arrangements have confirmed that the minimum funding guarantee (MFG) for schools has been maintained for 2015-2016, protecting School budgets as the funding per pupil cannot drop by more than 1.5% per year.

Increased funding of £350million has been made available for 2015-2016. Funding for 2015-2016 will be allocated depending on pupil and school characteristics, rather than historic spending. This represents a marked change by the DfE designed to make funding fairer across the country.

Minimum funding levels for 2015-16 will be:

1) Per pupil amount 
Primary - £2,880

Key stage 3 - £3,950
Key stage 4 - £4,502
2) Deprivation 
Between £882 and £1,870
3) Looked-after children
4) Low prior attainment   
Primary - £669

Secondary - £940
5) English as an additional language 
Primary - £466

Secondary - £1,130
6) School lump sum    
Primary - £115,797

Secondary - £125,155
7) Sparsity sum for small schools (vital to serving rural communities)
Primary up to £44,635

Secondary up to £66,656

We believe that this will provide many schools with additional surety of funds.