For Business & Individuals

HMRC enquiry visits and investigations

HMRC can make an enquiry into your tax affairs at any time. Our tax team can help to navigate any enquiries and support you in obtaining the best possible outcome.

Enquiry visits

Many tax investigations are random but HMRC also has access to software that is able to cross check information against an extensive range of third party databases and systems.

Every year, HMRC selects a number of businesses for ‘tax compliance visits’ into PAYE compliance, national insurance payments, VAT and other issues. If you contact us as soon as you receive communication from HMRC, our tax team will be able to help you prepare for the visit and be present to support you during the visit if you wish.

If any tax is found to be due, we will also be able to help to negotiate a fair settlement and look to mitigate any penalties as far as possible.

HMRC Investigations

Whether you are an individual, partnership, company, employer or trustee, HMRC is entitled to review your tax position. In line with government policy, HMRC is allocating more resources to areas identified as high risk. We are also increasingly seeing HMRC using a broad brush approach to target businesses across all taxes by opening full cross tax enquiries.

If you are faced with an HMRC investigation, it can be unsettling, costly and time consuming. We will aim to resolve matters quickly, achieving the best outcome for you and your business. Over the years we have dealt with every type of intervention, investigation and enquiry. We know how HMRC inspectors work, and use this knowledge to resolve disputes cost-effectively.

If you have not yet declared all your taxable income, we can help to reduce any potential penalties by utilising any disclosure opportunities available and negotiating with HMRC on your behalf.

If we act for you in respect of your tax compliance matters, we offer a Tax Investigation Service where, for an annual subscription fee, our fees will be paid for if HMRC investigate into your tax affairs. Further details of the service can be found here.

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